
streamline your material handling process

Enhance Your Material Handling Process With Automation

Automation systems incorporate a variety of advanced motion control products to streamline your material handling process. Our automation systems can handle any configuration, no matter how complex or basic. Drastically improve the safety of your operation by removing the opportunity for human error, maximize performance, and easily troubleshoot equipment issues with advanced analytics. Enhance your material handling process with an automation system that will drive better results.

Benefits of automation

Improve Operator and Equipment Safety

Automation systems transform problem areas and process issues to reduce chances of human error. All of our systems require little to no human interaction. We can help limit improper crane operation and avoid crane to crane contact, improving the safety of your workplace.

Enhance the Flow of Your Process

Our smart automation equipment uses intelligent frequency drives and software to craft an accurate and repeatable process for your shop. The user-defined programmed movement of machinery reduces idle time for improved cycle times and more consistent overall operation.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Our automation systems utilize laser positioning systems, HMI screens, and wireless communication to simplify maintenance and provide accurate reporting. Troubleshooting is easy with real-time data delivered to a laptop or tablet that allows you to monitor and make changes to your operation.

Let us help automate your material handling process.

For more information about our automation offerings give us a call or submit an inquiry online today.

Request more information

Looking to automate your material handling process?

Contact American Equipment today and speak to our crane specialists about an automation system that can help you produce superior results. are available in higher capacities and spans if required.

Cranes & Hoists
Salt Lake City Office
Mon – Fri 8am-5pm
451 West 3440 South
Salt Lake CIty, uT 84115

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